Die MThe possibilities for brand communication today are more diverse than ever. This is mainly due to digitalization, which has given rise to a multitude of channels and formats. Social media, influencer marketing, content marketing, search engine optimisation (SEO), marketing automation – to name just a few.

Measuring the performance of the respective channels has therefore become enormously important. This applies equally to analogue communication. Because while digital channels offer reach and interaction, analogue formats ensure immediacy, feel and trust.

Ultimately, it is about defining a balanced set of key figures that gives you a comprehensive and precise picture of the success of your brand strategy. Based on this, a target-oriented communication mix can then be designed and realised.

The basis of every measurement is and remains the definition of the objective. Whether engagement, sales success or brand awareness – only when brands are strategically aligned with the company’s objectives can they actively contribute to the company’s success.

Making brand success measurable in 6 steps:

Target definition
Convert into KPIs
Define performance channels (cross-media)
Develop campaign & message
Campaign roll-out & measurement
Evaluate and optimise data

Objective: Brand interaction

Positive brand experiences ensure greater interaction with your brand and strengthen the customer relationship.

Objective: Reach target groups

For example, find out which channels your target groups really use.

Objective: Increase relevance for unique visitors

If your brand is important to your target group, they will be open to what you say and offer.

Are you ready for reality?
We measure your success..

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